The Søvengård

If you like beer, cocktails, or cheeseboards, buckle up. 

Last week a couple friends and I were doing some outfit shooting for our blogs. We decided on dinner while we waited for some golden hour. We wandered into Sovengard and were trans-ported. Their outdoor space feels like another where the drinks are served from a shipping container and the various spaces to gather invite you to sit down. 


After researching them further, I was so excited to hear that they built the entire place with careful intention. They used sustainable methods for the build out and utilize local farms for their food selections. Excitingly, they are fostering hygge in the most simple way. For those of you that don't know about this concept, check out what The Sovengard itself had to say about it. 

Hygge is a Danish word that often defies English translation. When asking a Dane, they may be more apt to point at a scene to describe it than citing some sort of definition. Enjoying a beer while fireside may be cozy, but add in some dear friends and great food, and there you may find yourself some hygge. At The Sovengard, we hope to espouse this feeling and state of mind. Check the luggage of worry and care at the door, reconnect with your fellow man, and have a damn fine time doing so.

-The Sovengard Website>Our Place

AND THEN THE CHEESEBOARD: seasonal selections, drizzled honey, and grilled bread on a beautiful wooden tray. De-lish. 

Anyway, if you are local to West Michigan or visiting, add this spot to your list. Grab some of your favorites, sip on beer, and snuggle into some hygge.
