Viva Osh Vegas

Had ourselves a Wisco Weekend...


sincerely ashley | rain-boots

I hope that you all had a beautiful Easter weekend. We spent ours up in Oshkosh, Wisconsin where Doug's sister/brother-in-law/and nephews live. Love being able to spend weekends together especially on a holiday.

While we were there, I started to think about how sometimes (not in a bad way!) we start to forget the person behind our family members. You love them not only for who they are but what they are in your life. There's beauty in that...they are just part of us. But, I started to think about the aspects of our host and hostess that I sometimes take for granted (as in, you might know your dad is a great communicator, but you aren't consciously thinking that when you're interacting). It's the 'stuff we know' about those closest to us but don't always intentionally consider.

Our brother-in-law is a pediatrician by day, runner extraordinaire + grill-mater by night. No joke, move over Bobby Flay, here's the most insane pork chop you will ever eat. He has the best memory ever and pun-tastic humor. More importantly, throughout dating and into our marriage, I have found that he was/is an impactful male influence in Doug's life...for that I am so grateful. Aside from all that, he's also a great dad to the cutest dudes in the world (#biased). 

Doug's sister has hospitality in her bones. She is supermom to three reaaal active little guys but even after a day of managing toy sharing issues, diapers, and making PB&Hs (honey vs. jam is how they roll) her first instinct is to find out if you need anything or identify what she can bring you. Her beautiful spirit blesses the people around her and permeates throughout their home. She's intelligent yet personable, funny yet sincere. Actually, she's a huge reason this blog even exists...many times over the years she encouraged me to start one. Her sweet nudge encouraged me to begin developing Sincerely Ashley.

Basically, they're both great and so are their kids, the end.

Take some time to consider the people in your life. Your sibling who is also an incredible listener, your parent who is a savvy in business, your friend who loves hard even when it's tough. Think beyond just their role into the magic that makes them who they are...there is so much to discover there. 
