Lately | March 2019

What’s the haps…or what’s the [insert whatever the cool kids say these days]

Somehow, March always flies by. Not sure how that happens but I’m always shocked when we arrive at the 31st. It’s probably because it’s the first month where we typically get peeks of Spring letting us know that she hasn’t completely abandon us. C’mon Spring, we love you and want you to stay. Bring us all of the pretty flowers and we will deal with the pollen with minimal complaints, promise.

In celebration of International Women’s Day, a friend and I hosted a community women’s co-work. We posted up at Yote in Grand Rapids for the day and networked, shared, laughed, and drank gigantic amounts of coffee. I loved seeing women from across West Michigan come together and work for the day. We even had some babes like this little one who contentedly hung out among his adoring fans. You can read the full recap of the fun in my post. What a winner of a day.

I went to Chicago to go to the Friends Musical with two dear friends. We are all avid Friends fans so found this retelling of their most beloved story lines hilarious. We spent many hours in college crowded into our apartment living room deciphering who embodied each character in our own group of friends (fairly sure everyone does this at some point. For the record, I was assigned Rachel). After a yummy dinner we walked over to the WaterTower Theatre to catch up with this iconic group of six. It was a perfect night of picking up where we left off with a couple of my favorite gals on the planet.

After the Friends Musical, I stayed in Chicago to meet up with my friend Abby who was coming down there for a couple days. We Nordstrom’d, wine’d, and snapped photos in the middle of Michigan Ave. at 7 am. Doesn’t everyone do this? :) We were as efficient as possible with the 24 hours we had in the city and enjoyed the quick, refreshing getaway.

Finishing out the whirlwind trip to Chicago was a romp through the Kane County Flea Market. It’s held on the first Saturday and Sunday of each month. We treasure hunted despite the chilly weather and I happily went home with some jadeite, cool trays, and some great brooches which I am determined to bring back in style somehow.

Whenever cabin fever really sets in during the winter months, we head to the beach. Still cold? 100% but there’s something about being close to the water that makes you feel more free. We grabbed our winter jackets and little Paisley and head for the lakeshore. My heart explodes watching her run up and down the open beach as Doug chases her. A day with my little fam was just what the doctor ordered.

I continued to be transformed and challenged in the best ways by making sure that at least once a week I sit down with people who do similar things to what I do. The conversations are so helpful as we will discuss everything from new methods to best practices. Wherever you are and whatever you do, make sure to make it a priority to connect with some others in your field…you will be amazed at the benefits of these mini-master minds.

Our sister-in-law and her kids who live in Idaho came to Chicago for a week so we all head there to hang out for the weekend. Doug’s dreams came true and we went to the zoo which is one of his favorite places. It was great to spend time with everyone especially since it feels like every time we see all the kiddos they have changed and grown up so much even if it hasn’t been that long…time, please stop running so very fast.

Thanks for following along on my adventures. Make sure to fill me in on your March! I love hearing from you…you’re the best part of the whole internet.
