The 5 C's of Co-Works

In L-O-V-E with co-working sessions.

Friends: my current obsession is co-working. It's the simplest concept: usually a coffeehouse (naturally), couple people, and laptops (maybe a journal if things are getting real wild). They aren't just for someone with a blog or an individual connected to the creativesphere. You could be in sales, an accountant, in management even and find value in these types of gatherings.

Here's 5 reasons why you should intentionally plan co-works: 

1. Center

There's a really cool vibe that circles around these meet-ups...(aside from the occasional geek out session over design or a place or someone's work). The bursts of inventiveness and thoughts being workshopped are dunked in this centering calm that guides your time. There's a balance that is invited in during these moments that lead to a more centered perspective when it comes to the rest of your day.

2. Community

I was listening to a sermon the other day talking about how we need we are literally created to be in community. A point that really spoke to me was that in the workplace, people said they felt more fulfilled in their job if they had a friend in the office. Their view of their actual work changed if there was a relational component to the people they were side by side with. This can apply to the corporate space or the creative. When you are in a co-work there is magic there. You have a friend to accompany your work. It could be developing a business pitch, figuring out a client's information, or styling pictures of your table for content; it's all's connection=good stuff.

3. Concentration

When you do something creative for a living or even just work remotely, it can be difficult to find channeled focus sometimes. There are a lot of distractions (household duties, YouTube videos, Pinterest boards, playing with your pet...) that can interfere. When you are at a co-work you are creating a window to be zoned in on work with intention. It brings a heightened sense of focus on whatever you happen to be working on. Yep, there will be photo/chat breaks but overall I love the concentration it fosters.

4. Collaboration

Co-works not only encourage community they are great for collaboration. When you're in a focused space with other individuals, collaboration organically happens. From projects you could work on together, to suggesting others they should work with...collaboration thrives during these sessions. 

5. Creativity 

I feel alive during and after a good co-work. I think because it's a safe place to let your creativity run free. No one is going to care if you have to take a photo of your coffee for Instagram (they're probably standing on the chair next to you doing it too). It's a judgment free zone where inspiration is traded and shared. Our minds work so hard sometimes at stifling ideas and limiting our bounds. It's nice to counter that with bouncing things off someone else or encouraging each other's individual imaginativeness. 

I hope this serves as inspiration to grab a couple people, your favorite cup of goodness, and just, start (if you are in the West Michigan area and want to do a co-work message me; just be warned that I will probably drink a bunch of tea and talk to myself during it). 
