Profile-Kherington | The Kierra Quinn


You should probs meet Kherington...

The Empowering Babes group has brought some wonderful women into my life in a unique way. It's been great to connect with them in an intentional space. One of the individuals I have gotten to know is Kherington from The Kierra Quinn

Essentially, she is everything fabulous in one package. She's a wife, busy mom to the cutest little love Bentlee, and fashion blogger. She writes about everything from what she is wearing that day to reflections on being a working mama. During our last meet-up, we took advantage of the beautiful evening and snapped some pictures (by railroad tracks because clearly, we are daredevils). 

I mean, c'mon-she's a babe. See her post here for details on her outfit and follow along for your daily dose of fabulous! 

