Lately • Beginning of June

What’s the haps…or what’s the [insert whatever the cool kids say these days]

Really can’t believe that we are already in the middle of June. I talked about this on my Instagram story the other day…the idea that I feel like time is flying so quickly. We got to spend a week with some of our nephews and after I am with them, I always seem to be left with the feeling that life is running by so fast. I wanted to share what we have been up to the first few weeks of this month.

While we were at the lake for the first time this year, we got to celebrate my nephew Nolan’s birthday! He loves the lake so I was glad we were able to have a little party for him while we were all there. There’s much to love about this little guy but some of my favorite things are his sweet voice, killer smile, and boundless energy. Happy Birthday buddy, I hope your month is full of dinosaurs and the color red.

A solid chunk of my time so far this month has been admiring and staring at peonies. I love that these beauties are dancing in yards and finding their way into stores. I shared the sweet chat that I had with some ladies centered around these flowers…you can check out that post here. Thanks for the lesson ladies…

I was featured in Seen Magazine’s “8 Favorite Looks from June”! Was so excited when they messaged me about it as I love their account. Honored to be included on this fun list this month!

I got to grab lunch with my friend Katie at a new cafe in town Cafe de Miro. It’s an adorable coffeeshop/Mediterranean restaurant tucked into a shopping plaza in Grand Rapids. We chatted about everything from the Bachelorette to her summer plans now that her kiddos are out of school. Katie and I met through Instagram. There’s been a lot of talk lately about the negative side of social media. Since it plays a role in my life including part of what I do for a living, this conversation always fascinates me. This photo is the perfect example of the lovely that can come from these platforms. “The game” of social media can get overwhelming...what content, when do i post, and that algorithm? Getouttahere. But, guess what it can do? Inform. Tell the story of a brand. Visually share creativity. Capture a memory. Connect us. If you use it for the good stuff...the heart stuff, it’s a happy place. And, you just might meet a fabulous true blue like Katie.

Sidebar: this photo was shared on the @ihavethisthingwithfloors Instagram account which is one of my absolute favorites. Dreams come true y’all…

We have been loving doing a family walk at night time. It’s a nice chance for us to run through the events of the day and get Paisley outside. We keep her on leash until we hit the trail/park and then we let her roam free. This works much better because when she’s on a leash she will decide to stop walking to see if we will carry her. Paisattiude is a real thing. I love watching her explore…while sticking fairly close to us. Bless her heart. Grateful for slow evenings with these two.

I had the privilege of snapping some photos for Grand Rapids’ Barre Code. I loved being able to spend some time with these amazing, powerful, dedicated women. It reminded me of the importance of encouraging other women as they pursue their goals from various perspectives. The owner, Stacie, personifies everything a change maker should. She is determined, visionary, and inviting. Her energy and vibe is contagious in the best way. Whether it’s a local barre studio, creative freelancer, or rising professional, find ways to cheer on/support/elevate the other women in your community.

Our schedules and lunch hours rarely align so the afternoon they did, we took advantage of it. We grabbed a late lunch and then co-worked. I love moments like this with him. I love hearing about his goals at work. I love watching him navigate new situations. I love the fact that he has an Apple sticker on his ThinkPad work laptop out of protest. I love that he orders hot chocolate at the coffeeshop. I love when he asks ‘so what do you have going on this week, tell me everything.’ He’s a gem, guys.

That’s all for now. Fingers crossed for some weather that actually feels like summer. How is the beginning of your June going my friends? What are you most excited about this month?
